What is PrEP?

What PrEP contains and how it works

Why take PrEP?

StudyKey Details
iPrEx Study– Conducted among 2499 men and transgender females
– Protection against HIV infection was significantly higher among study participants who took the drug regularly enough to have detectable drug concentrations in their systems, as measured through blood analysis
IPERGAY Study– Conducted among 414 MSM comparing on-demand PrEP vs placebo
– Study found a relative reduction in HIV infections of 86% for those taking PrEP on-demand vs the placebo group
PROUD Study– Conducted among 544 MSM in England
– Participants either received daily PrEP immediately or after a deferral period of 12 months
– Study found that daily PrEP conferred even higher protection against HIV than in placebo-controlled trials, without evidence of an increase in other sexually transmitted infections

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